A lighthearted enlightenment of the differences
between American and British nautical terms.

I always though it was Winston Churchill who originated the phrase, "England and America are two countries divided by a common language,” in his speech before the American congress at the height of the second world war, but it wasn’t. He borrowed it from George Bernhard Shaw, ”The United States and Great Britain are two countries separated by a common language.” Readers Digest (November 1942). Shaw in turn probably borrowed it from Oscar Wilde, “We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except, of course language.” the Canterville Ghost 1887. As with many epigrams there is a grain of truth in it, but does the same apply in our common American and English nautical language? I have lived and sailed in America for thirty years and there have certainly been times when I've heard an American use a boating term, and asked myself, what!

Take for instance the oldest most basic boat term “yacht.” In Britain this generally means a sailing boat, as opposed to a power boat, but in America all recreational vessels are boats, so it's no good telling an American you own a “yacht.” At the very least he will ask, “What sort of boat.” therefore isn't the American term “sailboat” more descriptive for a British yacht? As you will see, the following is going to get complicated, if not a little contentious.

The ill-defined distinction between “boat” and “ship” exists in America as it does in England, except that a vessel over 20 meters (65.5’ feet) can be officially called a ship in America, without the raised eyebrows from British purists. Also, it's not a jot of good telling an American sailor that your yacht is fifteen meters long, most of them have no idea of the metric system.

Thankfully political correctness has not yet permeated too far into boating in England, as it is doing in land life in America. A boat is still called “she” as in, “She certainly does have a nice shaped rear end.” Whereas if you say this in litigious America, (where there are more lawyers in New York than the whole of England), you are likely to be at least slapped by any woman who might take it the wrong way. Heaven forbid we will have to start calling our boats “it”.

US captains hats.  Any British sailor arriving in America from across the pond or chartering a twenty foot runabout on a lake, will initially glance around to see who the shore official is addressing as “Captain,” until it dawns on him that it's himself!  The British term “skipper” is too modest for American tastes, and some certainly like to dress the part. I’m quite certain that no self-respecting British yachtsman would want to be seen dead in one of these caps.

Is it heads, or bathroom.When I first arrived in America it took me a little while to get used to the land term, “restroom,” for the loo. Something to do with their puritan roots I think, but surely not on a boat! Even now when we have American guests on Britannia it is not uncommon to hear them ask for the restroom, or bathroom. I can understand they might rightly, but unknowingly call the aft cabin head the “bathroom” because it actually does have a full size bath. If you just ask for “the head” on an American boat, (heaven forbid you might let slip “the loo” or worse still, “the bog”), don't be too surprised if you are directed to the head of the boat, which of course is where the head should be anyway and perhaps they keep a bucket up there. Then again if you do have a “restroom” on your boat you might visit it for a rest The bridge on a sailboat.between watches.

Ppontoon boats moored on a pontoon.I think most English yacht owners would be surprised to learn their vessel has a “bridge,” well it does in America. It's the term for the cockpit sill in the companionway, on which the doors or washboards sit.

If you tell an American your boat is on “pontoon B” in a marina he might not be looking for a sailboat at all but a “pontoon boat.” It's a small open boat, a bit like an up market raft, with both pods in the form of long aluminum tubes and powered by an outboard motor. He will likely find your yacht easier if you direct him down “dock B.”

Do you need to buy an eight by four sheet of teak faced plywood? In America you better be sure because if you order eight by four you will get the grain running across the sheet. Four by eight will have it running down the length.

You can ask for shock-cord in an American chandlers, but be prepared for blank expressions. Much better to ask for “bungee” and you will be directed to shock cord.

Vice grips or moles?Some frustration can develop between Englishmen and Americans working together on boats, regarding the name of some tools. I actually think some tools are more accurately described in American than British vernacular. For example, British mole grips are American vice grips, also called locking pliers, that is exactly what they are used as. The reason they are called mole grips in England is because they were made by a welsh company called M. Mole and Son. Still, if you saw a mole on your deck you could throw Why a monkey wrench?either one at it and the effect would be the same.

A British spanner is a wrench in America, and an adjustable spanner is a “monkey wrench,” in England and I haven’ the slightest idea why

An American would quite likely understand “Stanley knife,” because they have been made by the Stanley tool works in Connecticut, New England for ages, but you would be better to ask for a “box cutter, or utility knife.” Pry bar or Jemmy?

A “jemmy” is a useful tool to have on a boat, but you won't find one on an American vessel. You might find a “pry bar.” and again isn't that what they are used for?

Jubilee clips or hose clamp?When going into a chandlers don't ask for “jubilee clips”, because you might be told they don't sell comic books. Jubilee was a side-kick character in the Captain Marvel comics, similar to Robin with Batman. What you really need are hose clamps, that is also more descriptive of what they do.

Draw knife or spokeshave?An Englishman shaping a piece of teak might use a spokeshave. An American will use a draw knife, that is more descriptive of the tool, because when using it you actually do draw the knife towards you. But what if you are actually shaving a Yella wellies or boat boots?spoke from a wheel…?

If you are working on the boats plumbing and ask an American to “switch the taps on,” it might be met with a blank expression. Whereas if you ask him to “open the faucets,” you will get an immediate flow of water.

“Yella wellies” are rubber boating Wellington boots in Britain. In the States they are just sailing boots.

Weights are different in both countries. One ton in America is 2000 lbs whereas in England it is 2240 lbs. So a boat in England described as displacing 20 tons would displace 22.4 tons in America, a big difference.

A ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) is required on all boats with a “shore power” circuit in the USA. The nearest equivalent in Britain is a mains circuit breaker

Touch or flashlight? “Pass me a torch please,” will get a response in England, but “pass me the flashlight,” would be better in America.

John Masefield’s last line in Sea Fever reads. “a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over,” referring to the end of his watch. But an American might think he was dreaming about what a prostitute does for her client.

Heavens!, international boating is complicated!


Jake is a fabulous cartoonist who works for many boating magazines.

Cartoon by Jake Kavanaugh


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